H.Muhammad Kamran

Results 6 comments of H.Muhammad Kamran

Issue has been resolved [https://github.com/mrellipse/toucan/issues/12](url)

now Issue while lazy loading . . . [vue-router] Failed to resolve async component default: TypeError: modules[moduleId] is undefined `TypeError: modules[moduleId] is undefined Stack trace: __webpack_require__@http://localhost:5000/common.js:55:12 @webpack-internal:///212:1:28 [212]@http://localhost:5000/1.js:44:1 __webpack_require__@http://localhost:5000/common.js:55:12 @webpack-internal:///211:4:15...

While building ui on linux (webpack), and applying lazy loading the application split the application in small parts / junks. when you start application it doesn't find the parts. suppose...

As on testing and debugging on Ubunto 16.04 and 17.10 and apply lazy loading as mentioned above, application doesn't recognize chunks. And on Ubuntu it didn't watch changes, [https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/2239](url)

Webpack application on Ubuntu 17.10, it gives allot errors, second while running the application gives error that it can't find common.js, vendor.js, app.js etc.

Does anyone know how to use this library in Blazor, I like this library.