UpSetR copied to clipboard
By default, exclude specific intersections that have size = 0
This helps when dealing with a big dataset, where you might wish to select all intersections with one Set but not others.
small code example for all 2 by 2 combinations with myTargetSet:
c2<-combn(names( MySetList ) ,2)[,grep("myTargetSet",combn(names( MySetList ),2)[1,])] list_of_lists <- apply(t(c2),1,list) )
upset(fromList(ortholist) ,nsets = 81, nintersects=100
,queries= list(list (query = elements ,
params = list( "myTargetSet" ), color= "red" ,active = T) )
,intersections = c(list( list( "myTargetSet" ) ),list_of_lists)