Could you please cover how to create the prefabs required as input for the tile painter?
Hi Joseph, thanks for responding. I followed the tutorial you made on procjam and have so far got the overlapping model working with a basic cube. In the youtube tutorial...
thanks, i'm having a bunch of troubles replicating your tutorial setup, is there any chance you could send the unity project or just the simple resources folder you are using...
Hi Theodore, Not sure what your trying to use it for but there’s a new implementation of this code in Houdini with a detailed video tutorial on it. Just google...
Hi @Grix thanks for your response and suggestion, i'm also working with @iKachaykin on this project. Perhaps I can try to clarify the issue we are experiencing. We are trying...
thanks for your response! I'm going to try your suggestion as soon as possible, thats very good info on the format type as well. As far as i'm aware I...
Thanks so much @Grix! I'm just testing your reccomendations now and it does indeed seem like exporting using the SD card projector preset at format 0 works to remove the...