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VS Code extension with the Venus RISC-V simulator

RISC-V Venus Simulator embedded in VS Code

This Visual Studio Code extension embeds the popular Venus RISC-V simulator. It provides a standalone learning environment as no other tools are needed. It runs RISC-V assembly code with the standard debugging capabilities of VS Code.

To use it as educational tool, further views are added as described below.


You can easily install the extension via the marketplace by searching for "riscv":


Alternatively, you can install it via VS Code Quick Open (CTRL+P):

ext install hm.riscv-venus

Getting Started

You can debug any assembler file you are editing. We recommend using the RISC-V Support extension for syntax highlighting.

Just start debugging with "Run and Debug" to debug the current file:

Quick Start

You can step through the code and pseudo-operations are expanded automatically. The actually executed instructions are displayed in an assembly view (auto-opens if set in extension-settings). Breakpoints are of course also supported.

The basic Venus environmental calls are also supported. Further environment calls are also supported for educational toy examples are described in the following.

UI and launch paramters

From, the Debugger you can open the "Venus Options". From there you can open settings, views, documentation and more. Also there are commands for all these actions which you can execute with CTRL+P and typing "Venus: ..."

Venus Options

There is also Support for the VSCode-Inherent launch.json. There are pre-made configs availale which you can access by typing "Venus...". Alternitavely a full launch.json currently looks like this.

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "venus",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch current file with all options",
            "program": "${file}",
            "stopOnEntry": true,
            "stopAtBreakpoints": true,
            "openViews": [
                "LED Matrix",
                "Seven Segment Board"
            "ledMatrixSize": {
                "x": 10,
                "y": 10

Venus Launch

View memory

You can view the memory contents by opening the memory view with CTRL+P and "Venus: Open Memory".

Memory View

You can select which segment to view and scroll through the memory words (as in the online Venus version).

Accessing registers

You can change the registers by clicking on their value, update the value and press enter.

Register Changing

To change to format of the registers, click on "Venus Options" or press CTRL+P and enter "Venus: Set Variable Format".

Register Format

LED Matrix

The LED matrix is by default a 10x10 RGB LED matrix which size can be changed with launch parameters. Each LED is set individually by the environment call 0x100.

LED Matrix

Ecall 0x100: Set Pixel

This sets the pixel at position (x,y) to an RGB color (r,g,b):

  • a1 contains x in bits 31-16 and y in bits 15-0`
  • a2 contains r in bits 23-16, g in bits 15-8 and b in bits 7-0

For example to set a red pixel at position (2,4):

li a0, 0x100
li a1, 0x00020004
li a2, 0x00FF0000

Ecall 0x101: Set All Pixels

This sets all pixels to an RGB color (r,g,b):

  • a1 contains r in bits 23-16, g in bits 15-8 and b in bits 7-0

For example to set all pixels to red:

li a0, 0x101
li a1, 0x00FF0000

Using the LED matrix view

You can open the board view by pressing CTRL+P and then select/enter "Venus: Open LED Matrix".

Alternatively, you can have it open automatically by adding .vscode/launch.json in your project:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "venus",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Debug current file",
            "program": "${file}",
            "stopOnEntry": true,
            "openViews": [ "LED Matrix" ]

You find an example that draws the RISC-V logo here.

Toy Robot LED Matrix

The toy robot example is a variation of the LED matrix, but with a different style and way of setting the LEDs: The LEDs are all green and are set by a single bitmask per row. It has 12 rows of each 16 LEDs.

Toy Robot

Ecall 0x110: Set LED row

Update a single row:

  • a1 sets the row, where 0 is the bottom row
  • a2 contains the LEDs on/off (1/0) status in bits 15-0 where bit 15 is the leftmost LED

Using the LED matrix view

You can open the board view by pressing CTRL+P and then select/enter "Venus: Open LED Matrix".

Alternatively, you can have it open automatically by adding .vscode/launch.json in your project:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "venus",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Debug current file",
            "program": "${file}",
            "stopOnEntry": true,
            "openViews": [ "Robot" ]

You find an example that draws the RISC-V logo here.

Seven Segment Board

The seven segment is a more complex example. It has two push buttons as input devices and two LEDs and seven segment displays as output.

Seven Segment Board

Ecall 0x120: Set seven segment display

This ecall updates the seven segment display. The segments can be driven individually. The environment call expects the values and a mask of valid updates in two registers.

The segments are mapped to the bits in the two registers (value and mask) as follows:

Seven Segment Mapping

Register a1 contains the values and register a2 contains the mask of the updates.

The following code will show "42" in the segments:

li a0, 0x120
li a1, 0b0110011001011011
li a2, 0b1111111111111111

Update only two segments:

li a0, 0x120
li a1, 0b0000000000000100
li a2, 0b0000000000010100

What will the segments display now?

Ecall 0x121: Set LEDs

This environment call sets the LEDs as defined in the two lowest bits of a1. Bit 0 sets LED 0 (green) and bit 1 sets LED 1 (red). The LEDs are on when the bit is 1 and off when the bit is 0. The LEDs preserve their state until they are changed by calling this ecall again.

The following code lets the LEDs blink alternating:

li a0, 0x121
li a1, 0b01
li a0, 0x121
li a1, 0b10
j loop

Ecall 0x122: Read push buttons

This reads whether the push buttons have been pressed. Once the push buttons are pressed they will visually be highlighted as the environment will buffer this press. The ecall whether the two buttons were pressed in the lowest two bits of a0 and resets the buffers.

The following code reads whether buttons have been pressed and set the LEDs accordingly.

li a0, 0x122
mv a1, a0
li a0, 0x121
j loop

Using the board view

You can open the board view by pressing CTRL+P and then select/enter "Venus: Open Seven Segment Board UI".

Alternatively, you can have it open automatically by adding .vscode/launch.json in your project:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "venus",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Debug current file",
            "program": "${file}",
            "stopOnEntry": true,
            "openViews": [ "Seven Segment Board" ]

You can find an example here.

Terminal: Ecall 0x130 and 0x131

There is a Terminal which supports the standard Venus Ecalls for printing integers and strings and error output. In addition also Input is supported (currently only via polling until Interrupts are supported).

To activate Input the Ecall 0x130 must be called. After that you can ecall 0x131 to read the input. After sending your input with enter in the console, internally the input is buffered and can be read one by one with calling 0x131. There are 3 states when calling 0x131(read Input):

  • a0 == 0x00000001: Still waiting for input.
  • a0 == 0x00000000: All Input has been read. Buffer is empty.
  • a0 == 0x00000002: Input has been detected and one character has been read. a1 == input in UTF-16 code.

For an example see terminal.s in examples in the repository.

Venus Terminal

Example assignment

Implement a counter with the seven segment board. Count up when button 1 is pressed and count down when button 0 is pressed. Display the current counter value in the seven segment display. Let the red LED blink when the counter overflows.