Hilmar Lapp

Results 14 issues of Hilmar Lapp

Since it is highly relevant and in fact was one of the factors inspiring it, I hope people receiving notice for new issues don't consider this spam. In fact, I...

At least this is the case for NCBI Entrez. Based on looking through the code, NCBI API calls are variously _followed_ by a wait (why wait after the call's already...

While not obviously wrong, is there a good reason not to recommend [`dc:rights`](http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/#elements-rights), which seems made for this purpose? My concern here is machine-interoperability. It's hard for a machine to...

ontology metadata
attn: Operations Committee

Is there a good reason this shouldn't simply be [rdfs:isDefinedBy](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/#ch_isdefinedby), or at least allow that to comply with the requirement? The definition for `rdfs:isDefinedBy` says > rdfs:isDefinedBy is an instance...

ontology metadata

The `symbol` attribute for `AbstractState`, which `StandardPolymorphicStateSet` inherits from, is defined as `xs:anySimpleType`, so presumably anything should go, including "1 and 0". That's in contrast to `StandardState`, which also inherits...

The CITATION file, which GitHub uses in the right sidebar for how to cite, seems it needs updating. The last update is from 2019, and it says ``` Greg Wilson...

This post seems relevant, and has a lot of good stuff. Not sure how best to integrate what's in there - perhaps just in the category of prior (or concurrent)...

Many, if not most data, at least in science, are not eligible for copyright protection, and thus cannot be licensed, in many jurisdictions. There are many additional reasons why datasets...

Datahub.io is a well-populated [data package index](http://datahub.io/dataset), and the data package management platform that powers it (CKAN) is open source. So an FAQ entry as to how this project does...

Rather than hardcoding the codeblock for creating two partitions to be always bypassed, make that the default, and allow optionally choosing with a command line option (--boot_fstype={fat,ext4}).