Hugo Landau

Results 328 comments of Hugo Landau

ApacheMonitor can't be used to monitor non-Apache processes. I wasn't advocating using ApacheMonitor to monitor ncdns, because that's impossible. I was saying that Win32 tray icon functionality should be in...

Alright. Finding either an existing program which can work as a tray-resident supervisor to be recommended to be bundled with ncdns, or writing a separate tray process either in Go...

You're confusing libpcap with libcap. libpcap concerns packet capture. libcap concerns Linux capability sets. Anyway, maybe...

NAK. If a .bit domain owner wants to CNAME to an ICANN domain, that is their prerogative, and making policy about this is out of scope for ncdns. The purpose...

These default to no anyway, so explicitly listing them is unnecessary.

AFAIK, adding a user will show up on the login screen, which isn't OK. I'm not sure that Windows has any good solutions here?

I should note that you don't have to install the service via the command line option. I'd recommend doing it by functionality included in the installer technology you use.

I'm not sure; I don't recall. I would guess that pre-Namecore namecoind was returning non-200 status codes for some responses, which prevented it from working. If you want to submit...

@JeremyRand Go ahead if you want to try.