Harsh kurra
Harsh kurra
Commenting `getDerivedStateFromProps` in `ColorWrap.js` has fixed the problem for me  but I am not fully aware of the root cause, there is one r[elated thread](https://github.com/casesandberg/react-color/pull/658), where it mentioned that...
@hzhu @tazhel if you listen `onChange` and provide the changed colour to colorpicker through `color` props then it is working fine, Here is the working [codeSandBox Project](https://codesandbox.io/s/custom-picker-new-react-forked-rzhf0?file=/src/App.js) forked from your...
@chrysb In latest React this is could be related to issue #754 quick fix is save the changed colour in your local state and provide that as input through `colour`...
@TejaReddy7 Then it could be a different issue, but here is the [codesanbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/custom-picker-new-react-forked-rzhf0?file=/src/App.js:271-284) where you can see if you will remove the `color` props drag will stop working