VoxelMap copied to clipboard
voxel_mapping_odom node not found/located
Hello @ChongjianYUAN
I have Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic and I run the command in the terminal $ roslaunch voxel_map mapping_velodyne.launch and the result/output in the terminal is as following:
- /Result/result_path: /home/ycj/catkin_...
- /Result/write_kitti_log: False
- /common/imu_topic: /imu_data
- /common/lid_topic: /Navtech/Filtered...
- /imu/extrinsic_R: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0...
- /imu/extrinsic_T: [0, 0, 0]
- /imu/imu_en: False
- /mapping/down_sample_size: 0.5
- /mapping/layer_point_size: [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
- /mapping/max_cov_points_size: 1000
- /mapping/max_iteration: 3
- /mapping/max_layer: 4
- /mapping/max_points_size: 1000
- /mapping/plannar_threshold: 0.01
- /mapping/voxel_size: 3.0
- /noise_model/acc_cov_scale: 1.0
- /noise_model/angle_cov: 0.1
- /noise_model/gyr_cov_scale: 0.5
- /noise_model/ranging_cov: 0.04
- /preprocess/blind: 1
- /preprocess/calib_laser: True
- /preprocess/lidar_type: 2
- /preprocess/point_filter_num: 1
- /preprocess/scan_line: 64
- /rosdistro: melodic
- /rosversion: 1.14.13
- /visualization/dense_map_enable: False
- /visualization/pub_point_cloud: True
- /visualization/pub_point_cloud_skip: 5
- /visualization/pub_voxel_map: True
- /visualization/publish_max_voxel_layer: 1
NODES / voxel_mapping_odom (voxel_map/voxel_mapping_odom)
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [voxel_map/voxel_mapping_odom]: Cannot locate node of type [voxel_mapping_odom] in package [voxel_map]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x) No processes to monitor shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete
What is the problem? I cannt find the file voxel_mapping_odom...
Best, PM