M-detector copied to clipboard
fast-lio release version can't find node after compile?
您好 @HuajieWu99 , 请问为何fast-lio release版本编译通过后依旧无法找到node?已经source 过工作空间了,这个issue#183下的方法也无法解决,以下是运行时信息:
roslaunch fast_lio mapping_kitti.launch
... logging to /home/robot-nuc12/.ros/log/c1561a6c-aeb8-11ee-a946-291d976a18a1/roslaunch-robot-nuc12-3171814.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://robot-nuc12:35365/
* /common/imu_topic: /quadrotor_simula...
* /common/lid_out_topic: /cloud_registered...
* /common/lid_topic: /velodyne_points_...
* /common/odom_out_topic: /aft_mapped_to_init
* /common/odom_topic: //odometry_gt_
* /common/points_topic: /velodyne_points
* /common/time_sync_en: True
* /cube_side_length: 50.0
* /filter_size_map: 0.5
* /filter_size_surf: 0.5
* /mapping/acc_cov: 0.5
* /mapping/b_acc_cov: 0.0001
* /mapping/b_gyr_cov: 0.0001
* /mapping/det_range: 100.0
* /mapping/extrinsic_R: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0...
* /mapping/extrinsic_T: [0.0, 0.0, -0.0]
* /mapping/fov_degree: 180
* /mapping/gyr_cov: 0.2
* /mapping/imu_en: False
* /mapping/init_vel_x: 10.0
* /mapping/init_vel_y: 0.0
* /mapping/init_vel_z: 0.0
* /max_iteration: 4
* /pcd_save/interval: -1
* /pcd_save/pcd_save_en: False
* /point_filter_num: 1
* /preprocess/blind: 0
* /preprocess/feature_extract_en: False
* /preprocess/lidar_type: 4
* /preprocess/scan_line: 6
* /publish/dense_publish_en: True
* /publish/path_en: False
* /publish/scan_bodyframe_pub_en: False
* /publish/scan_publish_en: True
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.16.0
* /voxel/layer: 2
* /voxel/match_eigen_value: 0.005
* /voxel/match_s: 0.9
* /voxel/min_eigen_value: 0.005
* /voxel/pub_plane_en: False
* /voxel/sigma_num: 81
* /voxel/voxel_map_en: False
* /voxel/voxel_size: 3
laserMapping (fast_lio/fastlio_mapping)
revise_kitti (fast_lio/revise_kitti)
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [fast_lio/fastlio_mapping]: Cannot locate node of type [fastlio_mapping] in package [fast_lio]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [fast_lio/revise_kitti]: Cannot locate node of type [revise_kitti] in package [fast_lio]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)
No processes to monitor
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete