Results 5 issues of H. Klages

Can it be that the action "fire-event" does only work in the browser and does NOT work in Home Assistant App? Work around for me is to create a script...

Ich brauche für einige npm packages die env Variable DEBUG. Im Moment habe ich die Datei `/usr/local/addons/redmatic/bin/redmatic` editiert und `export DEBUG=sonos:*` hinzugefüg Nach dem booten, war dann die DEBUG variable...

🤔to be clarified

Ich glaube, die npm Option --save kann man weglassen, das es der Standard ist Statt `--production ` sollte man jetzt `--only=prod` verwenden.

🤔to be clarified

## Unless all relevant information is provided, I can't help you **Describe the bug** There are 2 warnings in my log file: ``` State attributes for sensor.grocy_chores exceed maximum size...

In your code I was able to find the "spotifyRegion" parameter with default for Europe = "2311". Is it possible to set the region to US = "3079"? How?

released on @beta