Results 5 issues of Henry Lewis

One might want to set up a state to redirect to a sub-state using middleware. Say, `/docs` always redirects to `/docs/getting-started`. When a simple `this.redirectTo('parent.child')` middleware is written and called...


good first issue

Should the configuration accept functions instead of paths to modules? Should we pick "file" or "source" for "addMessagesSource" etc? What about "path"?


Is there a reason this isn't set up as a grunt plugin for easy installation and configuration using `grunt.loadNpmTasks('edition-node-grunt')` and `grunt.initConfig` instead of the config.json file? This would avoid the...

# What / Why Often times our "parent" file contains the closing `}` but not the opening `{`. The opening `{` is instead part of the "ours" and theirs" files....
