Any news? I've tried to combine AngleSharp and ClearScript but I encountered a problem. `Document.CreateElement()` method is defined in sealed class `AngleSharp.Html.Dom.HtmlDocument`, because it's `sealed`, it cannot be exposed to...
@zuiyueyin 好的,我后面更新的时候注意下,尽量把脉络展示的更清楚
I have a basic idea that translate the yuv renderer code from webgl to webgpu, like this one: https://github.com/changzhn/render-yuv/blob/master/demo1.html, seems like it's not impossible.
This spec is concerned about GPU but firstly it is a Web spec. On native few AAA games generate mipmap at runtime, because they don't need to exchange textures with...
@champnic Any news about mac support?I'm thirsty for rebuilding my electron app with webview2.