Is this been tackled yet? it will be a really helpful function.
You set the height and sliders will show up, I guess rhandsontable does not support pagination.
I see. Pagination in DT does not speed up the rendering, but there is a 'deferRender' option for DT table to speed up rendering. Not sure if rhandsontable has the...
@pepijn-devries Thanks! Sorry that I only know R and rhandsontable, how does this translate to rhandsonable code in R. And I read Header Tooltips only display header that is too...
@pepijn-devries Thank you very much for the example! It worked perfect for stand alone table. I hope there is also a solution for usage in R Shiny App.
@pepijn-devries That's fantastic! Really appreciate the example.
Same problem here, can't add row. Error in seq.default: argument 'length.out' must be of length 1
I think I figured out what's wrong. Insert rows need feed back to rhandsontable input value right away after edting. For example: The following code won't work. ``` library(rhandsontable) library(shiny)...
Is this function available in the latest version?
Just did, thanks!