@HowardBraham ,Thank you for your keen observation regarding centralizing the object selectors. I absolutely agree that there is duplication in that regard. Mariona is currently working on implementing the Page...
Could we include more assertions based on the specific account that was added? Otherwise, it looks good.
Yes, I totally agree with you that the address is dynamically created, and it's validated in the creation of the account in another test.
This issue happens only in the firefox and hence assigned to [team-extension-platform](https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/labels/team-extension-platform).
Thanks Tanya.
@HowardBraham , Thank you for the feedback. I've simplified and updated the text, including the parameter descriptions and return values as you suggested. I've also provided detailed explanations in the...
Thanks Chloe, I will make the changes and update them.
Thanks Chloe for creating ticket and manual test steps are included.
Webpack testing update - [x] Compilation Test: Validated that the webpack compiles without errors. - [x] Source Maps: Ensure source maps are generated for development builds. - [x] Code Splitting:...