I guess this error was caused by out of GPU memory, so I add torch.cuda.empty_cache() after each epoch; It works for me now.
> I will leave this open, this bug is peculiar. Could you please provide your system information if possible? It may help others later. Thank you @hitxiaoting Thanks, vqdang, I...
> Hi @hitxiaoting , Many thanks for raise the issue, and I met the same problem when retraining the HoverNet with our own dataset. To be clear of your proposed...
2. Why are the init_dice and dice unchanged during the first 100 ep? Is there something wrong with my training? there is the log: Number of data in combine-train is...
@wjun0830 have you solve this issue, I tried to set the amplitude as 0 or 1, it result in an all 0 matrix, so a black image.