Qingchao Kong
Qingchao Kong
是多次出现的。 可能是网页结构发生变化,但是之前也用过,却没有出现这个错误。我再试试。 如果这些html会被插入到当前页面,那直接用chrome的开发者工具看就可以了,这个我也再试试看。
此行出现解析错误:https://github.com/chineking/cola/blob/develop/contrib/weibo/parsers.py#L132 原来的代码:`divs = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'WB_feed_type'}, mid=True)` 建议更改为:`divs = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'WB_feed_type SW_fun S_line2 '}, mid=True)`
To @wong2 : You may go to see my forked repo: https://github.com/hitalex/lda-with-gibbs I have done some corrections.
It is just a toy example of Gibbs sampling after all. On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Wang Dàpéng [email protected]: > @hitalex https://github.com/hitalex Thanks, though I no longer...