.ts is also a video format container. The ContentType generated by your terminal output is actually "right", but also wrong because you want to support "application/x-typescript", "text/x.typescript" or "text/prs.typescript"
@sipanda84 could you fix this problem? I did not start using this plugin but I like to switch to masonry from angular-deckgrid - but I will also use infinite-scroll and...
Now I'm here where you are. I have exact same issue. Seems like it breaks also track by obj.id and it has some "gaps" between when new elements are put...
@grabbou it's long time ago, but did you include imagesLoaded.js lib?
Just toggle that checkbox. Nothing will happen.. You don't have to provide any informations why you've activated that checkbox
:+1: that shoule be merged
Will someone ever merge this?
More then 1 month checking. Wow, pretty intensive testing
I tried the same as @m10l mentioned, tried with push and also with unshift - it does not work
I found out, that it was because of "track by card.uid". Changed to "track by $index" - now it works as intended!