Jeff Greene
Jeff Greene
I tried building a proof of concept for using loom in the lock-free area. I ran into some issues and figured i might share what I learned here. * `thread::scope`...
I don't have any practical experience with loom, it's been on my todo list for a while and this looked like a good place to start. My understanding of its...
BridgeException means that the Traditional bridge routine running on VMS has thrown an exception. If you take a look at the RemoteStackTrace property of the thrown exception in .NET it...
it seems a lot like for the environment "TEST_00423" your call to %login(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) is returning with a null value for arg4 or arg5
it looks like arg4 will throw this exception when you attempt to serialize it with the call to ArgumentData. The weird thing is that i don't appear to have that...
I checked with Steve and it doesnt seem like we have any support for using a structure alias in xfParameter like that. Is this a significant issue for you?
Javascript and by extension the swagger client has limitations around numbers, basically everything is internally stored as a floating point number. As you get a number large enough things get...
Matt found and fixed it but it will take a little bit before we're ready to do a real update with this in it. in the meantime you can place...
sorry tom, looking at it right now. This is missing functionality right now so the fix is non trivial.
actually I've changed my mind, It looks like we did implement this and have an automated test for it [here]( Whats the actual call stack for this exception? if you...