
Results 6 comments of hinash88

Yes, I fixed the spellings but now the problem is: `checkpoint_path=CHECKPOINT_PATH) TypeError: fit() got an unexpected keyword argument 'checkpoint_path' `

Problem fixed! For anyone who is interested, replace the code in "train_autoencoder.py" with ` model = tflearn.DNN(conv_autencoder, tensorboard_verbose=3,checkpoint_path=CHECKPOINT_PATH) model.fit(X, X, n_epoch=20, shuffle=True, show_metric=True, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, validation_set=0.1, snapshot_epoch=True, run_id='selfie_conv_autoencoder' )`

To validate the high frequency components problem, I have created a simple sinusoidal dataset containing single frequency (no harmonics) from 4000 Hz to 8000 Hz. Well! again to my surprise,...

I am having same issue, Printing the len(fps), it is 860 (My total training examples) `Traceback (most recent call last): File "train_specgan.py", line 760, in moments(fps, args) File "train_specgan.py", line...