James H. Hill
James H. Hill
This pull request contains the implementation of the following classes to improve Loader support for DBFlow. - `FlowCursorAdapter`: The purpose of this class is to improve support for `CursorAdapter`. In...
Determine if is feasible to support [node-coap](https://github.com/mcollina/node-coap) as a protocol in blueprint.
This issue is to track the progress of integrating Alexa home into Blueprint. It will be a module that allows you to configure routes to handle commands from Alexa for...
Hi, I am the creator and maintainer of [@onehilltech/ember-cli-google-analytics](https://github.com/onehilltech/ember-cli-google/tree/master/packages/ember-cli-google-analytics). It is part of a collection of packages from the [ember-cli-google](https://github.com/onehilltech/ember-cli-google) project. I have noticed that this project is no longer...
## Bug report In `ember-cli-mdc`, we import the style to generate the default styles of the ember application. We use the following import statement in the `ember-cli-mdc-theme` addon: ``` @use...
Let's try to increase code coverage to 100% using Jacoco.
The library is currently hard-coded to use a `CachedThreadPoolExecutor` via `Executors.newCachedThreadPool`. Clients, however, should have the option of selecting the executor to use on the Promise, and its chain.