
Results 14 issues of hillct

This facilitates enhanced custom package management and eases buildroot versioning within the git repository, as a submodule while simplifying the build process. This has been tested but I wanted to...


While this may be an edge case, if you put a barcode scanner into continuous scan mode, and attempt to scanner.close() as in the example code, you get: ``` ^Cevents.js:183...

Let me be the first to request documentation of this library, as it looks to serve the specific need I'm looking to address. Thanks!

Is there a design goal that precludes taking advantage of the built-in template engine in ESPAsyncWebServer to store and server the captive portal template content from SPIFFS? I ask this...

It appears many of the MK3S extruder printed part OpenSCAD files are missing from the repository (though STL files are present) including the extruder-body.scad, extruder-cover.scad and extruder-motor-plate.scad among others (IR...

When launching within a docker container via docker-compose, the environment is (seemingly) not being handled correctly. The 'System Settings' modal displays each field in red with the text "Need setup...

I'm looking for a build/script/patch/Dockerfile enabling building from source, of pytorch2 with explicit sm_87 & Cuda 11.4 support as appears to have been built and included in nvcr.io/nvidia/l4t-pytorch:r35.2.1-pth2.0-py3 which indicates...

### Branch/Tag/Commit main ### Docker Image Version nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:22.09-py3 ### GPU name AGX Orin ### CUDA Driver 520.61.03 ### Reproduced Steps ```shell Build FasterTransformer docker container. In conainer, with GPT-J weights...


This patch updates the docker file to remove the build tools after the build is complete, reducing the image size by over 90% also adding automated build hooks with label...

# 🐛 Bug Even when Flash Attention and Cutlass are already installed, xformers setup.py attempts and fails to complete building of flash_attn rather than properly recognizing then as already installed....