
Results 21 comments of hillbun

@Roverr what is RTSP_STREAM_BACKEND_URL variable format? is it ?

and errors when run kubectl: Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

abaplint scrip always return 1 when I run pipeline do not pass

Is it possible to config the numbers of issues to make it return 0?

I mean config the number of issues to 20, if result is below 20, it return 0?

Yes, I agree with this. But as sonarqube, it can show new codes and whole codes scan status, and setup gates to adjust. is it possible to integrate into sonarqube?

I setup proxy: proxy: httpProxy: http://x.x.x.x:3128 httpsProxy: http://x.x.x.x:3128 noProxy:,localhost,.local,.internal,x.x.0.0/16 components: - core - jobservice - trivy But still get errors: ``` 2022-05-10T03:46:34Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:385]: { "uuid": "e925753e-ac0c-11ec-94eb-f6987478469d", "name": "Trivy",...

``` {"exit_code":1,"level":"error","msg":"Running trivy failed","std_out":"Incorrect Usage. flag provided but not defined: -format\n\nNAME:\n trivy - A simple and comprehensive vulnerability scanner for containers\n\nUSAGE:\n trivy [global options] command [command options] target\n\nVERSION:\n 0.24.2\n\nCOMMANDS:\n image,...

I set: KAFKA_JMX_OPTS -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=30 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=30 But it does not take effect