Hillary Fraley
Hillary Fraley
Add this issue as a discussion card in retro Trello for next release. https://trello.com/b/16LKXk3I/release-retros
Note from Sean in [release retro Trello card](https://trello.com/c/7HjCTWrl): "If we had a way to programatically way to get the latest version and pin, I would be in favour. I hesitate...
Follow-up [slack discussion](https://sensu.slack.com/archives/C60EEQFH8/p1620930839270900)
Revisit after 6.5.0
Followed up in Product slack: https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C0254420A1Y/p1634842878000400
Follow-up question in Engineering slack: https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C024XK35Z3Q/p1641502933111500 edit Jan 13 follow up in Eng slack: https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C024XK35Z3Q/p1642091893003600
Most current discussion at https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C024XK35Z3Q/p1642707017364800
Latest update from most current discussion linked above: "I think blocking the brew work here is now the macos pkg work. If that sounds correct, we’ll make a ticket for...
@rnevius thank you for investigating. I will test to see how onerous it is to manually rip and replace all the newlines with a space.
@rnevius Is https://wkhtmltopdf.org/ still a viable option for automating PDF generation for the docs site? It looks like the newline thing isn't an issue in wkhtmltopdf.