Hilary Stohs-Krause
Hilary Stohs-Krause
#### What does this PR do? This pull request includes changes to the `submissions_controller.rb` and `submissions/edit.html.erb` files. The changes allow for the selection of an event instance when editing a...
I just did this on the live site, and so now it claims I have the same talk at RubyConf 2020 and RubyConf 2021 😅
#### What does this PR do? Speeds up ability for someone to add multiple proposals in a row. ##### Why was this work done? Is there a related Issue? Issue...
From the speaker show page, add a button to create a proposal that pre-selects the speaker's name (this will make adding new proposals in a row much faster).
#### What does this PR do? 1. Styles in-page error messages 2. Standardizes success flash messages in controllers 3. Restyles radio buttons in submission new / edit form ##### Why...
Obviously the content changes for each page, but I think it would be helpful to highlight the currently active page in the navigation (especially if someone sends you a link...
We could switch it to a darker version, and then it passes color contrast requirements: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/?fcolor=157D9D&bcolor=FFFFFF Here's what it would look like: **versus:**