Results 38 comments of hikerpig

@riccardoferretti Thanks for your response, personally I prefer this to be in the CLI so I can use it for automatic deployment - in CI or Netlify, etc. And I...

We write coffeescript and use codo as doc generator, it would be nice to be able to customize the form of comments. Replace the `*` with `#` ``` coffee #...

Same issue here, using Chrome 59.0.3071.115

@pdemilly I havn't thought about it but I think it is worth a try. Could you exapnd this with more details ? 1. What do you expect in the event...

I see, very good advice. I should take this to the roadmap. Will take a look at it this weekend. The event payload will include some meaningful entity, like an...

I've opened a draft PR for this feature. You can goto - [vercel preview page]( to see the docs - [live editor demo page]( and open the devtools console, click...

This is released in v0.5.2, only er and sequence diagram will emit DiagramEvent. I think, maybe there should also be some instructions about binding GraphicEvent listeners to the renderer.

I use nearley.js as a parser generator, it can generate proper railroad diagarm, I think it is a good reference . Also it would be great if we can...

I am also interested in this. For I want to build Mermaid.js alike library for both browser and Node.js. And I am considering parsing with peg.js or nearley.js. Your project...

Thank you for asking. Yeah I havn't paid attention to syntax highlighting in gatsby-theme-kb very much, people may have different preferences on this and they can always add gatsby remark...