Chen Ding
Chen Ding
we do not set it in the tidbcluster, so it should be default value using `RollingUpdate`, when it happened, the `spec.updateStrategy` of the tikv statefulset is ``` { "rollingUpdate": {...
oh, great catch, i do believe that is what i saw, because there there is another weird thing that is, from k8s audit log, the stateful set is being deleted...
oh, i think the sts is recreate in, this deployment is just to resize the volumes in this change, and the complete the timestamp matches the recreate of sts...
i would guess the status of the sts after recreate is something like ``` { "collisionCount": 0, "currentReplicas": 0, "currentRevision": "mussel-prod-tikv-7cb857cc78", "observedGeneration": 1, "readyReplicas": 30, "replicas": 30, "updateRevision": "mussel-prod-tikv-7cb857cc78", "updatedReplicas":...
@liubog2008 @hanlins what do you think about this? should i add a replica count check in as a fix for this problem? thanks