current when compare table, it's don't care about rule. i think it's worth for add. wdyt?
# Pull Request Checklist - [x] My code follows the [code guidelines](https://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Contributing_to_Trunk) of this project - [x] My code follows the best practices of this project - [x] I have...
https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-5875 not yet keep selection on detail # Pull Request Checklist - [x] My code follows the [code guidelines](https://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Contributing_to_Trunk) of this project - [x] My code follows the best practices...
just implement for header toolbar first # Pull Request Checklist - [x] My code follows the [code guidelines](https://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Contributing_to_Trunk) of this project - [x] My code follows the best practices of...
1. clone source at (master at moment) 2. open pom.xml change zk.version to 3. run "mvn jetty:run" 4. open http://localhost:8080/keikai-app-oss/ 5. input something to cell 6. make sure...
I modify version of artifact by override, everything fine but on feature version is not update, it use old value ` org.javassist:javassist:${zk-javassist-src-version} false false true zjavassist zjavassist ${zk-version} `