David Dong

Results 6 issues of David Dong

wrong comments in letsLearnScope function ```js function letsLearnScope() { console.log(a, b) // JavaScript 10, accessible let c = 30 if (true) { // we can access from the function and...

## 地址 + [示例网站](https://shaku-web.vercel.app/) + [项目地址](https://github.com/JSerZANP/shaku) + [相关文章](https://jser.dev/2023-05-14-introducing-shaku/) ## 预览图 ![CleanShot 2023-05-21 at 15 32 07@2x](https://github.com/ruanyf/weekly/assets/73568310/57df7ee9-50eb-4eed-8e05-4e561987304f)


# 地址 + [GitHub](https://github.com/DongHY1/comments) + [Docs](https://comment.daviddong.me/) # 功能预览 ![CleanShot 2023-12-14 at 14 10 13](https://github.com/DongHY1/comments/assets/73568310/89f2898b-fcb3-422e-a5e1-9bb8cd2b1ce7)


### UnoCSS version 0.58.5 ### Describe the bug see this video, when hover, the comment information is missing https://github.com/unocss/unocss/assets/73568310/5a4508d7-3a56-4c53-b002-6e8c27de7d67 ### Reproduction https://github.com/DongHY1/unocss-vscode-extension-hover-bug ### System Info Version: 1.86.2 (Universal) Commit: 903b1e9d8990623e3d7da1df3d33db3e42d80eda...

1. select an arrow. 2. wrap a box around the arrow. 3. adjust the size of the box, the arrow disappears. https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/assets/73568310/c0cd1864-9ea3-44e6-b574-6daa67daa7e8


Use a `forEach` loop for `assert.throws` statements, improving code readability.
