Ken Hibino

Results 86 comments of Ken Hibino

@piperck Thank you for reporting this issue! I'll look into this.

@chenlujjj Thank you for reporting an issue! I'm not familiar with gin framework, but what we need is all requests with `h.RootPath()` prefix in URL should be sent to the...

Yep, sounds good! We should allow options to enable auth (a simple auth to begin like you suggested). Let me look into this 👍

@tinnkai @tonytony2020 thanks for the comments! I'm planning to invest some time in tooling (CLI, Web UI) in the coming weeks. So I'll take a look at this issue then!

I see. Currently, this web UI heavily relies on [Material UI](, which says that ["it was designed with the Roboto font in mind"]( To avoid any style breakage, I'd prefer...

@koddr btw, what do you use to take these screenshots? it looks really nice.

@McSquanchy Thanks for the suggestion! We can make the breakdown of "processed tasks" and "failed tasks" available 👍

@chenlujjj thank you for the ping! I'm planning to invest some time in tooling in the coming weeks, so I'll revisit this issue then!

@koddr Thanks for the suggestion! Anything that makes this tool more accessible to more developers is welcome. I think we should definitely support installing the tool via homebrew. I'll look...

@crossworth Thank you for reporting this issue! Apologies for not testing fully on other OSs 🙏 Is this blocking you from using the tool completely? Or have you found a...