Yu-Ze Liu (GTooth)

Results 12 comments of Yu-Ze Liu (GTooth)

Oh, I see. I think it's a rough number XD. So may I ensure that you use the same setting as NQ's huggingface says? And for MSMARCO: Thanks for your...

Thanks for the confirmation!! But I only found dev rather than dev-small, did you mean you reserve the dev rows that are also in train-small? ![image](https://github.com/ArvinZhuang/DSI-QG/assets/31925572/bfcbba0a-efa4-49e9-9c60-b4cd1f57d912)

Thanks for the patient explanation and the links. I finally saw the 6.8K in the links XD

Hi @oussaidene , Refer to [Lightning AI](https://lightning.ai/docs/torchmetrics/stable/retrieval/hit_rate.html), the hit rate is 1.0 if there is at least one relevant document among all the top k retrieved documents. I think the...

I also met this bug. I print out the `state_dict` of workable checkpoint & unworkable checkpoint from fairseq: [orig_bart_large_state_dict.txt](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairseq/files/15478489/orig_bart_large_state_dict.txt) [after_fairseq_train_state_dict.txt](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairseq/files/15478486/after_fairseq_train_state_dict.txt) I find that the checkpoint after the training from fairseq...

Hi, Dr. Zhuang. Sorry to bother you again, and I hope you are doing well! According to your information, I set `--train_num` to 307373 and `--eval_num` to 7830 and tried...

Thanks for the advice. Before I start reproducing, will this change increase performance by 20%, according to your gut feeling? Since my computation resources are not very generous, I think...

Alright ... This is life ... 😢

Hi, Dr. Zhuang. I've finished the training with query generation number = `50`. Compared to `HIT@10 = 58.24` from query generation number = `10`, it makes progress to `HIT@10 =...

I've trained about 300k steps. ![image](https://github.com/ArvinZhuang/DSI-QG/assets/31925572/4d063f02-85e5-4192-b731-ad95eea50fea) So Dr. Zhuang thinks I should try query generation number `100` without CE reranker? Will CE reranker have a significant influence on this situation?