
Results 9 comments of hhzl

What would be the benefit of this?

Maybe template strings could be put to good use making the code easier to read and maintain... https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/01/ES6-Template-Strings On 1/25/17, Джон, просто Джон wrote: > @hhzl no visible benefit apart...

I mean only for the part generating the result html presentation file, not _within_ the html presentation. That should probably better stay JavaScript 5. That would mean replacing the mustache...

It seems that it is a matter of adding a `cleaver` plugin to the directory https://github.com/astefanutti/decktape/tree/master/plugins The plugins are about 40..70 LOC.

This is the same error as in issue #9 ; see comment there for a contribution towards a solution (or workaround).

@sdeering , what about following the [README](https://github.com/cparker15/csv-to-json/blob/master/README.md) and building it so that you can have your own version on your web site (or local intranet)? ``` git clone https://github.com/cparker15/csv-to-json.git cd...

**Alternative** Start using https://github.com/mholt/PapaParse which is maintained. This is **not** a statement about the quality of the code of this repository which I did not check. It is just a...

The Gruntfile.js task for the bower installation causes the problem. A contribution towards a solution: Deactivate the bower installation task in the Gruntfile and run the bower installation manually; then...

In the meantime a trunk update has been made which reintroduces the missing classes under the 'Deprecated6.0' category. Metacello loads fine again in the latest Squeak6.0a trunk version.