
Results 12 comments of hhw3KevinHou


> 打算改成TS的吗,现在好像比较流行TS了 决绝TS,反对TS。代码量膨胀太多,泛型类型标记根据程序员水平差异太多。还不如原生ES6经典。

> > 可以出TS版本的吗 > > ts我这里贡献了一版,可供参考 https://github.com/zzh948498/RuoYi-Vue3-ts 鄙视TS,拒绝TS。公司如果要我用TS得加钱。


我解决了,请参考https://github.com/DTStack/chunjun,这个项目,阿里的项目一直都是烂尾状态。 ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/36b493a7-2964-4557-8079-6b3b38e0cc94)

If I DROP ENCRYPT RULE test; Then create ENCRYPT RULE test, 'Duplicate' error will show up. Why? I dropped it. Can not understand coder's mind. ![image](https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/assets/14155363/144bd7e8-1218-455f-8992-5d2679c4b2c6) Looks like add back...

> @hhw3KevinHou Hi, this problem are fixed in master branch. you can try it U did not test it. Delete a rule -> add a rule -> 2 rules in...

> @hhw3KevinHou Hi, are you test with standalone mode? yes. I found the code is too complicated and dirty. It would be easy if you use cache and persist structure....

> Can you describe your detail operation? Create ENCRYPT RULE bug see https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/issues/29431. Alter bug: alter a encrypte rule->restart->alter no effect. Drop bug: drop a rule -> show ENCRYPT RULE...

![image](https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/assets/14155363/8d99a905-8058-48e6-9535-d6ae4b243338) you should get key,not value。 who wrote this,and did not test?