I think that error is because it was setup to use a dev build from the master branch of the source repo - and now that 1.7.1 of shapely is...
> @hhuuggoo do you have someone at Saturn who could contribute here and work on this? Yes! It will probably be me - though I might be a bit slow...
@jacobtomlinson I'm not sure #2 needs to be addressed. The scheduler already understands hosts: https://github.com/dask/distributed/blob/1be9265ac11876df766bb8bd6d6eb519d04d3bac/distributed/scheduler.py#L6398 and Adaptive supports configuring that parameter https://github.com/dask/distributed/blob/1be9265ac11876df766bb8bd6d6eb519d04d3bac/distributed/deploy/adaptive.py#L93 I think we would only need to modify...
Actually I think there is one other thing that I can raise with distributed. I'm not sure how important this is yet, but probably if we want to always be...
Just a note that I just started digging around, and I'm not sure this is an issue (was looking at 2021.07 earlier last week). I believe the recommendations I'm getting...
I think the problem is chjj/tty.js#111, basically you need to signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_INT), though I have no idea how to do that in node.js, process.on seems to require a function as...
@chjj, you can reproduce this if you resize the terminal, and then open vim. However, if you are using term.js off of master, you will not be able to reproduce....
what do you want to do exactly? You want to make sure that the reply from the reqrep goes to all clients over pub sub? If so then you would...