
Results 7 issues of hhaoao

On stackoverflow, I found out how pyinstaller handles this error, but I don't know how cx-freeze handles this error in the same way as pyinstaller.[Here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50808934/runsslserver-command-not-working-in-django-with-executable-built-with-pyinstalle) ``` Unknown_ command: 'runsslserver' Type...

I based on the `analysis-server-dart-snapshot` configuration in the readme file, but it does not work. Invalid vimrc config: ```viml let g:lsp_settings = { \ 'my-server': { \ 'cmd': ['D:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe',...

我想照着其他formater来写个bind formater来生成bind 9 用的zone文件的,但是使用`pipreqs`包生成的`requirements.txt`安装后出现以下错误: ```powershell λ python -m genpac -h Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\portablefiles\scoop\apps\python\current\lib\runpy.py", line 184, in _run_module_as_main mod_name, mod_spec, code = _get_module_details(mod_name, _Error) File "d:\portablefiles\scoop\apps\python\current\lib\runpy.py", line...

Because using `chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()` transmit media information, cause the `content script` can't participate in communication. I plan to add a floating button to the page to display a list of resources,...

晚上电脑睡眠(我关了休眠), 第二天电脑唤醒accesser就失效了,必须重启. 下面是 accesser跟 dnscrypt-proxy的日志. accesser的日志: ```log 2020-03-25 11:28:38 DEBUG Accesser.importca: Export Failed 2020-03-25 11:28:38 INFO Accesser.importca: Importing new certificate 2020-03-25 11:28:44 DEBUG Accesser.importca: 证书 "Accesser" 添加到存储。 CertUtil: -importPFX 命令成功完成。...

如题,可能年代久远了,现在还维护这插件吗?修复一下下,遇到转不了的unicode编码不要把我的文本给删除了就行了,当然最好修复成遇到转不了的unicode编码就跳过,继续下一个转下一个就完美了,对了,这个插件我是从package control里安装的。下面这段nuicode编码主要是前两个转不了汉字,后面的可以转。 `\ud83c\udf79 \u60f3\u559d\u679c\u8336\u627e\u9732\u9732`

I searched on github for a long time and found that this compiled version is best for me, and I look forward to continuing to update.