Hendrik Grosselindemann
Hendrik Grosselindemann
Hello, I am trying to apply the PET to an unregular ocean model as well, it is a NEMO configuration. I followed the steps from David and the identification worked,...
``` netcdf ssh_u_v_1d_20140101_20141231_NWA { dimensions: time_counter = 365 ; x = 550 ; y = 700 ; variables: float ssh(time_counter, x, y) ; ssh:_FillValue = NaNf ; ssh:units = "meter"...
[ssh_u_v_1d_20140101_NWA.zip](https://github.com/AntSimi/py-eddy-tracker/files/9029420/ssh_u_v_1d_20140101_NWA.zip) Of course,here it is. I extracted the first day of the year. Thank you so much for your fast response!
Perfect, thank you!