Himanshu Gohel
Himanshu Gohel
Apparently not random. I installed this build on another Windows 10 box and I can repeat the crash using these steps. If I don't follow these steps, I can launch...
@hpoul Adding a +1 to this thread. This bug preventsAuthPass users who store their KDBX files on Google Drive from being able to access it. Happens with the latest version...
@hpoul Thanks for the fix! Confirming that Android is fixed, but I can't sign up for Apple test flight (I used to be on the beta earlier). I get the...
> I've now added a redirect_uri, it should fix the problem on the play store and apple store version. @hpoul On Windows the originally reported issue still continues even with...
With v1.9.11_2007 access to password databases stored on Google drive is working again. Thank you, @hpoul!
> ... after closing and reopening the token seems to be lost again as I am getting the following error True. I didn't see that until I went back into...
The behavior of OSM's search query doesn't seem consistent to me. As you found, "U.S.A." seems to throw it off and returns no results for valid addresses. However, if using...
Hi @DaveSch-gramps In my response I didn't make it clear that "E.U." was an abbreviation for Estados Unidos, United States in Spanish, rather than European Union. So any US address...
Hmm. Right, no "E.U." in the list, but "E.-U." with the dash/hyphen is odd. Anyway, the list you shared shows that (1) periods in names are valid, and removing isn't...
@emyoulation Please review PR carefully - it includes [these changes](https://github.com/gramps-project/gramps/compare/master...emyoulation:gramps:master) from your master branch.