Cameron Wong
Cameron Wong
I think the problem is that eSpeak not correctly handle diphthongs in cmn. It inserts a low level tone 11 between diphthongs in cmn. Current situaltion is: $ espeak-ng -x...
"此电脑" in the cmn_list is translated as "ci3 dian4 nao3" in Pinyin. As I have mentioned above, the pronunciation of "此电脑" in the old version (i.e. 1.50) is correct: ```tsh'i[21_|...
I see. In yue_rules, the rules are quite simple: ``` .group i ?1 i _^_EN ?2 i i ?2 iu iu ``` In cmn_rules, the rules are complicated. Selecting "i",...
@jaacoppi Thank you for replying. Since the current cmn_rules is complicate, I think adding English rules basing on Mandarin rules is easier than the reverse one. I will try to...
I have rewritten most of the rules of cmn. Vowel will be spoken as Mandarin only when it's with a tone number. Otherwise, it will be regarded as English. This...
@ssb22 Dear Silas, Have you been using espeak-ng these years? I find that the Mandarin extra dictionary doesn't work any more. For example, there is an item in cmn_listx: (天...
Single character in cmn_listx is correctly loaded. For example, 㐀 doesn't exists in cmn_list but only in cmn_listx. espeak-ng can translate 㐀 correctly. ``` $ espeak-ng -x -vcmn '㐀' tS;h'iou55_|...
I test with eSpeak 1.47.11 and get correct result: ``` $ ./espeak -X -vzh '天地' Replace: 天 地 tian1di4 Translate 'tian1di4' 1 t [th] 1 i [i] 22 ia [iA]...
Cantonese goes another route "Found" different from Mandarin's "Replace". ``` $ espeak-ng -X -vyue '长江' Found: '长' [coeng4] $text Found: '江' [gong1] $text c'oeng4_| g'ong1_| $ espeak-ng -X -vyue '长大'...
Following code can fix the Mandarin dictionary word matching issue: ``` diff --git a/src/libespeak-ng/tr_languages.c b/src/libespeak-ng/tr_languages.c index 610676bc..a2050b8a 100644 --- a/src/libespeak-ng/tr_languages.c +++ b/src/libespeak-ng/tr_languages.c @@ -1590,8 +1590,8 @@ Translator *SelectTranslator(const char *name)...