Guoliang He
Guoliang He
Hello, I am trying to understand the generator as in the PET paper. To my understanding, the `threshold` parameter in the Generator::run() function defines the number of random test point...
currently the interpreter doesn't handle device_print: A quick fix might uncomment the line and add a handler, but I am not sure what's the desirable format of printing?
Error when assembling instruction "[B------:R3:W4:-:S06] @P3 LDG.E.EL.128 R12, desc[UR8][R16.64] ;":
Hi, Many thanks for releasing this assembler! I was trying to disassemble pytorch's kernel, but and then I saw this error: Error when assembling instruction "[B------:R3:W4:-:S06] @P3 LDG.E.EL.128 R12, desc[UR8][R16.64]... seems to not support when accumulator tile size < 16 ( May I know what's the reason?
one useful scan Op for topk is tl.sort(); however it doesn't returned the indices as in torch.sort ( May I know if there's a plan to essentially achieve `argsort` kinds...
I solve the long softmax puzzels, but I have to store the intermediate results to z_ptr, which may cause unnecessary Memory I/O. Essentially, I would like to know if there's...