Same here on Rpi 1 as well.
Hi everyone, I recently stumbled upon some stack overflows too on the platform, which surprised me a lot since the solutions were not recursive at all! I'm not certain that...
Weird: I didn't find any cookie on the main demo website. On my own instance I only get a PHP session ID cookie. This is a first-party "strictly necessary" and...
My quick thoughts on your various ideas: > * A piece of Javascript that replays the session, synchronising the different streams? Easyly done and has the advantage of being self-contained....
Yes, but also in several levels*.html.
I would be glad to do a french translation, but I don't understand how the localization is done. Is there a file with all the strings to translate?
> Is possible to use the biggest part of this javascript into a Node.js server? Well, that would put the load on the server itself. Also, I guess most of...