
Results 24 comments of hfc2x

Tried these executables, with a new cfg created from scratch, and this seems to resolve the issue. However, this only after editing the mouse inputs by hand in the config...

I'm not entirely sure what does that mean, but I'll assume it means that vanilla Hexen just ignores an actor's target field being null, but Choco freaks out instead?

It's not supposed to launch by itself. It launches like this with no issues: `chocolate-doom -iwad Doom2.wad -file HACX.WAD -dehlump` Hacx 2.0 is a ZDoom mod, so it shouldn't work...

Hey, I just wanted to chime-in, mostly because the gameplay speed was an intentional "feature" in the original game. Arena was so ~~unoptimized~~ demanding to run for CPUs at the...

I'm getting a similar problem, but it just instantly crashes instead. Terminal output is as follows: ``` (slade:219808): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 20:40:21.933: invalid cast from 'GtkMenuItem' to 'GtkImageMenuItem' (slade:219808): Gtk-CRITICAL **:...

Just for keeping this into consideration, as I commented in #69, Pokémon which have been [Cute Charm-abused](https://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/dpphgss_rng_part5), always with no exception have one of the following PIDs, which can easily...

@mm201 Okay, that's fair enough, since I guess it'd be on the same level as RNG abuse. Should the problem of the hacked-to-death teams in the Wi-Fi Battle Tower rooms...

> Generally, if a core dump is created, it is useful to post the backtrace from the core dump. Please provide it, so that I can see specifically where the...

> In short: > * `gdb -ex r --args ./d1x-rebirth -hogdir .` > * Wait for the game to crash. > * Run `bt full`. Post the output. Here's the...

I tested it now, and the game launches. However, there's no music, and terminal output mentions `Music descent.hmp could not be loaded: ModPlug_Load failed`