Zhenhui Xie

Results 9 issues of Zhenhui Xie

As I work on another issue in your project, I have found that `workspace.getConfiguration('bibtex')` seems to be located at `coc.preferences.bibtex` rather than `coc.source.bibtex` as you documented in README.md. Probably your...

Reopen of #1355 . To inspect whether it is good to use event-based subscriptions or live queries, I've gone through many articles and found [this comment](https://github.com/graphql/graphql-spec/issues/386#issuecomment-346767043) best describes the current...


This will make headers recognized as data by pandoc in the next read. Closes #23.

Realted issue: #26 I'd like to build a struct that implements `AsChangeset`, but it is not possible to set some values to `NULL` while keeping the struct ignoring some `None`...

Related issue: #95 I'd request reverting 634d830b0f73fea73526d4ea294cb3f33a4e79ef in this issue. In contrast to the original issue, headers *do not have to be preceded by a blank line* in markdown actually....

- Use arguments instead of a `overrides.txt` file in `$PWD`, making aliases easier (instead of `cd` to a specific directory and run `mitmproxy`) - Enable http protocol, which means a...

Hello, I came up an idea about add PCRE support. Maybe using PCRE to match filePath can be more extensible. present: ```text *example.com/js/**, js/** ``` pcre-like: ```text .*example.com/js/([^.]+\.min\.js$), js/\$1" ```