I don't think there's something to do with the data I used. But I would one piece here. {"clusters": [[]], "sentences": [["攀", "谈", "中", "我", "了", "解", "到", "衣", "裙",...
Maybe the reason could be found in https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/solved-assertion-srcindex-srcselectdimsize-failed-on-gpu-for-torch-cat/1804/15. But I still have no idea~
Hi, thank you for your reply. I have just made out what had happened. It was because some of my instances are too long. I discarded the sentences over 512...
Hi, would you please modify the code of file run_relation_approx.py and make it more friendly to max_seq_length? Unlike those lines in run_relation.py, I found nothing was done for sequences with...