
Results 4 comments of wangzhenxiong

> I don't think this code can solve the problem(pendulum), and another question is why this reward is 'running_reward * 0.9 + score * 0.1' 我也遇到这个问题,我咨询elegantrl作者,他说先tahn,再通过torch.distribution来sample action会影响信息熵,所以是没有办法收敛的,但是我不喜欢elegantrl的ppo写法,所以我还在找别人的代码

uvicorn ->app(receive,send) -> receive = queue,get() if log message by receive,receive will be consume and request will block because nothing in queue,get()

> > > vue-element-admin >4.2.1版 同问 > > > Module build failed (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js): > > > TypeError: Cannot read property 'range' of null 大佬怎么解决 @shanzhaozhen @upcwangying > > >...

threading.local or contextvars.ContextVar("lock") should be global then it works in aioredis.lock you use threading.local() it will create a new instance every time,it can't works are you still sloving this problem?