Chirag Arora
Chirag Arora
Thanks @BenJFan . That's right. I also tried adding and linking protoc to the right aarch_64 file: ``` ``` But now I get this error: ``` [INFO] Processing (java):...
For the first one, I get following output: ``` Error: Unable to access jarfile protoc-jar-maven-plugin-3.7.1.jar ``` For your second suggestion, if I don't write it the way I do, then...
No `linux-aarch_64` `protoc` is throwing the following error. ``` [INFO] Processing (java): OpenApiModelMessages.proto protoc-jar: executing: [/tmp/protoc1980677954583734614.exe, -I/home/pi/openapi2-client/src/m ain/protobuf, -I/home/pi/openapi2-client/src/main/protobuf, --java_out=/home/pi/openapi2-client/target/generated-sources, /home/pi/openapi2-client/src/main/pro tobuf/OpenApiModelMessages.proto] /tmp/protoc1980677954583734614.exe: 1: /tmp/protoc1980677954583734614.exe: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting...
Did you install the gem correctly? And added it to `_config.yml`?
I think this is the problem you guys are facing: >
Hi @sergiotocalini. I am talking about this: > Since GitHub Pages supports only a limited set of Ruby Gems (, the recommended way is to build locally and push the...
Any update in this? Can't seem to get it working even with `webviewConnectTimeout`.