Mark A. Hershberger

Results 49 comments of Mark A. Hershberger

Section from backtrace: ``` magithub-repo(((owner (login . "source")) (name . "mw-rel"))) (let ((magithub-cache--refresh t)) (magithub-repo sparse-repo)) (progn (let ((magithub-cache--refresh t)) (magithub-repo sparse-repo))) (if (magithub-online-p) (progn (let ((magithub-cache--refresh t)) (magithub-repo sparse-repo))))...

It did disappear once I removed the elc file. Then it showed up again, but, today, it looks like it is gone.

Note the problem may be related to flycheck and any of the -php, -phpcs, -phpmd, or my -psalm checkers. Because yesterday was evidently my "play with emacs" day, I managed...

doh.... I spoke to soon. Just after I typed that comment I went to try to edit the file again and ran into the error while trying to save. backtrace:...

And, because I have changed my config here are the results of php-mode-debug: ``` --- PHP-MODE DEBUG BEGIN --- versions: GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.5, cairo...

And, if it makes any difference, I just ran `M-x php-mode RET` and, immediately after, I could save. However, once eglot highlighted problems that it found with the psalm-language-server, the...

disabling some minor modes makes saving work again. php-mode-debug is the same as above with the following minor modes removed: `magit-wip-after-safe-mode` `magit-wip-after-save-local-mode` `emojify-mode` `prettify-symbols-mode`.

Eh... This seems intermittent. In any case, I just ran into this again and saw that fontification stops on line 344. Don't know if that means anything. I suppose it...

I'm not sure how responsive @jthingelstad is to github. I'll try asking him to archive this. Would hosting it on Wikimedia's gerrit be ok or should we keep it on...