### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior upstream missing instance metadata ### Expected Behavior upstream carries instance metadata....
Add read-write prohibition to cell route policy, facilitating cell failover by application and preventing mutual interference. Such as App1 and app2 are both deployed in cell1 and cell2 of unit...
In a live space, microservices do not follow the unit and cell access policies when it's policy are set to none. When performing cell or unit failover, in order to...
期望在多活策略的请求中,携带上Agent的版本,应用名称,实例IP,实例ID,单元,分区,泳道,分区等元数据头,用于管控面查询。 Expect to carry Agent's version, application name, instance IP, instance ID, unit, partition, swimlane, and other metadata headers in requests with multi-active strategy for use in control plane queries.
such as service info & swagger api & rpc interface. with api version.
Supports rate limiting and circuit breaking audit logs
fastjson2 support jsonpath. it's performance is faster than json-path Implement joylive-parser/joylive-parser-fastjson2 Implement handler for @JsonAlias, @JsonField, @JsonFormat, @DeserializeConverter, @SerializeConverter
one unit with two cell. the first cell in cloud1, the second cell in cloud2. each cell has its own distributed mq cluster. using a tool to bi-directionally synchronize messages...