
Results 15 issues of heurteph-ei

## Expected Behavior When I browse Matomo Visitor logs on my mobile browser, all information should stay visible ## Current Behavior On visitors logs. (I reduce the display with from...

c: Design / UI

## Documentation URL https://matomo.org/faq/general/manage-users/ ## Use case *I’m an Admin* ## Description In paragraph **Editing Users**, there is an image that is not readable at all because is size is...

c: Documentation

Hi, I use MTM and the goals feature. When defining a goal, it is possible to set a revenue... Also, following https://developer.matomo.org/api-reference/tracking-javascript it should be possible to track a goal...


## Page to be updated [Matomo is slow! It takes a long time to load widgets, reports and pages.](https://matomo.org/faq/troubleshooting/faq_140/) # Information to provide Link to page [How do I configure...

c: Documentation

## Summary When users uses Matomo reports, they complain about always having to scroll down then up... ## Step to reproduce I want to see (on demo site) the Page...

c: Design / UI

## Expected Behavior Install Matomo (on a server without Internet) and play! ## Current Behavior For the first installation, when I first try to connect Matomo, it is so slow!!!...


When doing sensitive action, a password confirmation is asked. But there is no "clean" way to cancel the action, as there is no "cancel" or "go back" button / link:...

c: Usability

From: https://forum.matomo.org/t/wordpress-plugin-uncaught-exception-date-is-expecting-a-unix-timestamp-got/53988 Charan receives this error from WP: `An error of type E_ERROR occurred on line 387 of the following file: /home/eventeff/ [REDACTED/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/plugins/API/ProcessedReport.php](http://REDACTED/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/plugins/API/ProcessedReport.php) . Error reason: Uncaught Exception: API returned...

From: https://forum.matomo.org/t/php-cli-version-mysqli-support-error/51120 In page `wp-admin/admin.php?page=matomo-systemreport`, in case of `PHP cli Version MySQLi support ERROR`, add a link to: https://matomo.org/faq/how-to-solve-the-error-message-your-php-cli-version-is-not-compatible-with-the-matomo-requirements/


## Page and section where documentation is missing https://developer.matomo.org/api-reference/reporting-api#CoreAdminHome ## What is missing Information about `method=CoreAdminHome.invalidateArchivedReports`