Higor E.

Results 7 issues of Higor E.

Some websites change depending on what OS the client is running. Blender puts Windows in the User Agent string so on those sites the experience is broken if you run...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When building multiple package bundle (MERGE) pyinstaller overwrites the xref and dot files, making it harder on the user/developer to...

pull-request wanted

From Orca's README: > * bang: Bangs neighboring operands In both Orca and Orca-c the bang operator `*` actually only bangs the western and northern neighbors. Other bang sources such...

When `libqt5scxml5*` packages are installed CMake will configure the Qt SCXML adapter but it fails when it finds out there's no `Qt5::ScxmlPrivate` target. The `*qt5scxml5-private-dev` package is only available on...

`app.teardown_websocket` no longer exists in 0.19.x. It was previously implemented in the Scaffold class, the previous base for Quart and Blueprint, which was deleted in commit https://github.com/pallets/quart/commit/598b771abd36fb2d581aa88a64336c88615a26bf **Code to reproduce:**...

I would like to request the addition of an option to disable animations, I don't mind if it's only available in about:config. The fadeout animation slows down middle-click tab closing...

The DOSBox core performs very badly when it is run under a RetroArch instance that uses the `gl` driver with VSync on. There is no impact on the frame rate...