
Results 7 comments of Helene

Please do not remove Billing from the top level menu. We used to get tickets from customers unable to find the billing section because it was hidden, until it was...

@jenlij Please note that changes to the docs now need to be made via Archbee, you can ask for details in #guild-documentation on slack

I found that the gitbook draft to be reviewed is here https://app.gitbook.com/o/-Lij5OMtVUHTiJ2J0i52/s/-LmlDzFHYn9g_f2QxmPe-887967055/~/changes/kZMzZ0R6FS93Lq9UUM8W/how-tos/dataverse-integration-guide

@wthorp in reviewing this, I noticed you guide the user to select ¨S3 compatible Server¨ as storage location, even though the dropdown shows ¨Storj¨ as a storage location option. Why...

example command from related forum thread: `uplink.exe cp -r N:[folder] sj://main11` https://forum.storj.io/t/error-when-uploading-files-via-console/19241/3?u=heunland