
Results 18 issues of heswell

I can't seem to get basic flex layout working in Javascript, not sure if I'm missing something. I would expect the child items in the following to be assigned a...

__Expected behavior:__ I am using react-jss. I use a totally static style declaration object, passed once to createUseStyles, but consumed by many components (using useStyles). I expect all components consuming...


Let's follow existing conventions as far as possible, whilst keeping thing as simple as possible, we can always add functionality We can take our cures from apache [commons logging](https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-logging/guide.html) `log.error`...

- [ ] Create a Bulk Edit Panel that can be displayed to encapsulate bulk row editing with review and commit - [ ] Add feature to Table to allow...


complete work on `quick view` variant of table filters this has been blocked pending update to latest salt controls, now complete

To make it convenient for components to display dialogs from any location within the application component hierarchy, we will create a DialogProvider. The Vuu Shell will include a DialogProvider at...

The `ViewportRowModelDataSource` adapts a VuuDataSource to the Ag Grid equivalent. It used some mapping structures to map data between a Vuu row representation and an Ag Grid row representation. There...

vuu server sends list of column names, along with column types, in TABLE_META response. Column names are ordered alphabetically. Can we preserve the order of column names in this list...


There is a known issue with the Vuu Ag Grid adaptor when using Ag Grid version 31, related to a change in AG Grid columnAPI. This breaks sorting. There may...

Bundle size is an important metric associated with ui packages. Smaller is better. Would like to track bundle sizes across builds, and detect any large increases in bundle size ....
